Can Forum Marketing Actually Be Profitable?

Any time we talk about getting traffic to a website any method that is free is considered ideal even though in reality it might not necessarily be cost effective in terms of the time spent. For instance, fast traffic to a website is often offered as a benefit of marketing on various forums.

The advantage of this approach is that you can say for certain that you are in front of people with corresponding interests and who potentially would be prepared to expend money in that market. It is necessary to note, and this will take some self control, that you limit your time on any forums you join. Here are some tips you can adopt on how you may market on forums.

In terms of locating a forum in your market, the first step is fairly easy in doing a search of your industry with the addition of the word forum. It is a positive indication if there are quite a few shown and, to see if these are working, you need to view what is going on within the sites.

There will often be some sort of member count displayed and you should also be able to see how frequently posts are being made. To make this useful, you would certainly expect to see daily activity in terms of posts for the different topics. The actual terms of the forum are one more consideration since you need people to be able to locate your site. This will typically to be in the form of what is generally known as a signature and we will go over that further shortly.

The enrolling process, once you have chosen a forum, gives you the ability of constructing a user profile. This gives you an opportunity to give details of your web site and your area of expertise. Subject to the forum terms and conditions, you might be able to enter a forum signature hyperlink now or after so many forum posts.

If you would like other members to visit your website, the forum signature is there to make it possible for them to do that through a clickable link. The approaches used to do this can easily be seen if you spend some time looking at other people’s posts on virtually any forum.

For this to create lasting results it can take time despite the fact that you will hear people indicate it produces quick cash injections. At first, when you join a forum you have to build trust and this is usually done by adding value or giving answers to questions. It is possible in doing this to target extremely active threads in the forum or perhaps to answer a question that leads nicely to what your signature to your website is about.

If you become seen as an authority and not an individual who just looks to spam the forum, your threads are more likely to be viewed.


Forum marketing could be an effective form of zero cost traffic if approached in the appropriate way and if you restrict the amount of time you spend on forums.


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